Saturday, 18 May 2019
kolejne Eurowybory
Zajrzałem dzisiaj do statystyk bloga, patrzę, a tu najwięcej wyświetleń miał on z Chin (1122), potem były USA, dopiero potem Polska i kilka innych europejskich krajów. W sumie wyświetleń było 2570, najwięcej w kwietniu 2015, sporo było tuż przed samymi wyborami, 153 na początku kampanii - czyli jak założyłem blog.
Od tamtej pory robiłem trochę antologii, głównie związanych z poezją eksperymentalną, ostatnio zbierałem prace gościnne na wystawę, którą będę miał podczas festiwalu "Miasto Poezji" w Lublinie. Aktualnie zajmuję się neopoemiksem, wierszami jednoliterowymi i szeregiem innych drobnych działań. Zwykle znajdują się ludzie, którzy przysyłają prace do organizowanych przeze mnie projektów, tamten brak aktywności twórców z dzisiejszej perspektywy mnie nie dziwi, ale dziwią mnie te wyświetlenia bloga!
Oczywiście zachęcam do wzięcia udziału w aktualnych Eurowyborach!
Friday, 20 September 2013
getting ready

let's do it, just to do something :)
generated automatically (I mean the graphics), human vs. robot, Europe vs. boredom, some text, some imagination, and lots of forbearance needed... thank you for your visit, and please send some pieces!
the strips from the series will be also displayed here:
Sunday, 23 June 2013
Troubled waters
Remember the comic book "Troubled waters"? Perhaps it can be interested for those who like a more informative approach towards telling stories.
The album can be ordered for free here:
If you like a pdf version more, it's also available there (as well as from some other sources).
all the best,
Tuesday, 11 June 2013
Invitation to the project
I would like to invite comic artists to participate in the project of making comics inspired by the trip of a group of people trying to Rock The Union:
The comics can be serious or funny, realistic, cartoon, abstract, experimental, photocomics, collage... there are lots of options. These can be comic strips or stories shown on one or more pages. It can be autobiographic, moralistic, educational, fantastic, horror, comedy - whatever you think might work.
You would like to tell us about a UFO full of philosophers who know lots about democracy? Maybe you know a story of a bottle of something that helped you with people during your trip to an interesting place in Europe? Or perhaps you have a group of friends from many European countries who do something really special together? Please tell us about it, using the form of comics.
Please send your work - together with some information about you - before May the 16th, 2014 to . The comics will be posted here on the blog, and later an online anthology of all the comics will be made, free to print from a pdf file.
The works should be in English or without text, unless some usage of languages other than English is necessary - this suggestion is made just in order to keep us all able to communicate with readers from different countries. If you would like to make more language versions, please send us the English language version and links to other versions - they will be also posted here.
Note: It is not allowed to promote candidates or political parties here. No hate speech or illegal content. This is a non-commercial project, the authors keep the authors rights and can publish their works elsewhere.